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QuadMAX unveiled at 2024 PGA Show
Feb 02, 2024
At the 2024 PGA Show, the Foresight Sports booth was a sight to behold, packed through the entire 3-day event.
“Hands down, the busiest booth among golf technology companies this year at The PGA Show in Orlando was Foresight Sports” -
The product that stood out from the rest of the Foresight collection was the QuadMAX. The QuadMAX received praise and stellar reviews from attendees at the show.
As MyGolfSpy mentions, “It’s not just best of breed. It’s Secretariat at the ‘73 Belmont. There are other horses in the race; they’re just not in the same class.”
Read their full story: Foresight Sports QuadMAX Overview
During Demo Day, Foresight Sports Co-President Jon Watters provided Golf Channel’s Matt Adams insight into what makes the QuadMAX the ultimate game changer. Featuring new on-device data points, the ability to store over 1 billion shots via onboard memory, touchscreen interface, user customization with the Foresight Sport app, swing speed training, and new improved weight distribution and battery life, the QuadMAX is the gold standard of what a launch monitor should be.
“It works EXACTLY the same in the indoor environment, as it does outdoor, and that is UNIQUE in the industry,” as Jon Watters explained what separates the QuadMAX from everyone else.
The QuadMAX will be available in February. Learn more about the QuadMAX
Want more content about the QuadMAX? Check out this post from Golf Simulator Videos, who visited with us at the PGA Show. And follow @Foresightsports on social.