Identifying Your FSX Live Username & Software Version In FSX PRO (PC/STUDIO)

  • Step-by-step

    1. Download the latest version of FSX PRO (PC/STUDIO) from:

    2. Locate and run the installation file from your downloads folder:

    3. Open FSX PRO from the desktop of your computer.

    5. To identify the FSX PRO version number, click on the MENU button in the top right corner. Select SETTINGS:

    6. Then review the information provided with the bottom left of the Setting Window as shown here:

    Please Note:  FSX LIVE Username is not yet provided within the FSX PRO (PC/STUDIO) software. Please review the guides for FSX 2020/FSX Subscription or FSX PLAY to identify the FSX LIVE username used for your software.

    If you are prompted to activate your software again after updating, please log-in to the FSX Live Portal and deactivate your license - If you are unsure how to deactivate your FSX license for use again, please follow this link: